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Muscle strength
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“Power Building” Develops The Rock-Hard Muscle That Gets Attention
Half Powerlifter Half Bodybuilder - PowerBuilderPowerlifters compete in the squat, bench press and deadlift.
And they get big and muscular because they’re strong. Again, like I mentioned earlier… if you start lifting more weight than you usually do… your body must adapt in order to handle that weight.
It does that by growing bigger and stronger.
If you don’t get ANYTHING else at all from this letter, just remember that… because that alone will give you more results than anything else you do!
Bodybuilders… on the other hand… generally train for muscle growth and for aesthetics or looks. Not all bodybuilders are as strong as they look. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with that.
But if you’re like me… you probably want to have strength… as well as the lean, muscular look.
And believe me, you can. Not only is it possible, strength and size go hand-in-hand!
If you try to get stronger… each and every week… you’re GOING to get more muscular. It’s just a fact.
So if you’re looking to gain muscle as well as strength… you need to start focusing on lifting more weight. I dare you to find a guy who bench presses 400 pounds that doesn’t have a powerhouse body to match.
"Here’s The Fastest And Easiest Way To Increase Your Bench Press And Skyrocket Your Muscle and Strength Gains…"
If you currently struggle with the bench press and you’d like to really increase the amount of weight you lift… I’m going to help you right now.
If you’d like to gain more muscle mass… so that you feel more confident and attractive… I’m going to help you.
If you’d like to excel in your school’s sport… and become the stronger, faster “go to” guy for your team… I’m going to help you.
Critical Bench Program 2.0And if you’d like to lose a little bit of unwanted body fat… maybe the love handles you have around your waist… I’m going to help you.
My best selling and newly revised Critical Bench Program 2.0 will help you increase your bench press by up to 50 pounds in 10 weeks… while packing on muscle in the process.
Even if you have long arms, shoulder pain, wrist pain or sub-par genetics like me, this program is a guaranteed way to help you build a 200, 300 or 400 + pound bench press.
You’ll join over 10K other people that have been amazed with the results they’ve gotten from Critical Bench Program 2.0
These are people who have been very pleased when reaching their goal of more weight lifted on the bench… as well as more strength and muscle as a result.

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